Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome to the world of Matter

Physics and Chemistry

What is Chemistry

Chemistry is the study of matter, it's composition, structure and properties.

What is Physics

It is the study of force, mass, energy, and charge.
This branch of sciences can help us as we want to explore the physical world. As we recall in the biological world Zoology, Botany, and Biology are some of the common branches of science that helps you in journeying the biological world. Here as we will enter the new world the 2 branches of science will help you along with your lesson.

What is Physical Change?

Physical Change pertains to change that happens with in its physical state. For example, as we cut the papers the paper is still a paper the only change that occur is that the chancge of the shape. Just like with the water, if the watter freezes it is also an example of physical change.

There are many physical change that occurs in the nature can you name some?

What is Chemical Change?

Chemical Change is change that occurs not only with it's apearrance but also with it's composition. For example, as we burn a piece of paper, is it still a paper after we burned it? It will become ashes therefore the paper is not anymore a paper because it turned into ashes and as we go on our deeper understanding ashes is different with paper. It is an another object. Another example is the burning of a match stick.

There are also many chemical change that occurs in the nature can you name some?


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